I have a Digital Fine Art Nudes class coming up at the Lepp Institute on May 12-16. This will be a great combination of theory (how to think about capturing a 3D subject in a 2D medium), shooting (both studio, outdoors, under natural and artificial lighting) and Photoshop (how to enhance your results to bring them to the next level). You'll learn how to interact with the models, how to make sure the lighting is flattering, how to pose them for dramatic effect and special techniques for making sure you end up with an image worth framing. I'm really excited about the class since this has been a passion of mine since I started college.
We need a few more signups to make this class a reality, so please let anyone you know that is interested in the subject matter know about the class (I'd really appreciate it). You can see some examples of my nudes after the jump (if you're offended by nudity, please don't click). I have many other examples that I am not allowed to show on-line since the women pictured don't want to be able to be recognized. This class is about fine art nudes, not anything raunchy.
hi ben.. just love your nudes.. so well depicted.. Very different from what i've seen so far... The nudes have another dimension, almost isoteric, with your wise use of light. Very creative..
From Gulf photoshop classes
Posted by: Ashwinee Appadoo | May 13, 2008 at 10:59 AM
Love your photos. Great class (so far) with several days left. Tim
Posted by: Tim Hacker | May 14, 2008 at 10:52 AM
Hi Ben,
Just wanted to thank you for putting up with me in your class. It was a remarkable experience. Your critiques helped immensely. The Photoshop lessons were invaluable and I accomplished more than I anticipated. Thurs eve dinner was also quite interesting! Can't wait to get your Route 66 book. Thanks again. Tim Hacker
Posted by: Tim Hacker | May 19, 2008 at 09:21 PM
Why only female nudes? You should try to get male as well as female models.
Posted by: Elise | May 28, 2008 at 10:46 PM
Hi Ben,
Great class photos
more plz
Posted by: Memhz | June 11, 2010 at 09:39 PM